It is said that the wisest man in the room is the one that asks the most questions, so we hope that this section will answer even the most penetrating and discerning questions so that you can be pleased with everything about our products and service.
If you still have unanswered questions after visiting our website, why not call our friendly support team on 01327 307 130? They will be happy to answer any questions and offer FREE advice.

At Piping Hot, we’ve compiled a FREE handy guide to help you through the process of choosing the right appliance to meet your specific requirements. Once you have selected the appliance, the guide provides invaluable advice on installing a wood-burning appliance and the tools and equipment you will need for a safe, easy, and stress-free installation.
Click HERE to download and save a copy of our handy guide in Adobe PDF format.
If you haven’t already installed the Adobe viewer, click HERE to download it FREE from the Adobe website.
Confused by the jargon, technical descriptions and what grants and subsidies are available? Don’t worry; help is at hand; our frequently asked questions section will provide you with the knowledge to understand the technical jargon and any grants or subsidies that are currently available.
Click HERE to view our Frequently Asked Questions section.
For our advice on buying fuel head to our guide.